Installation Guide

Install Outsmart Apps to get started

Even though Outsmart aims to become a multi app ecosystem, we kept installation super simple. You install Outsmart once and all current and future apps will simply work! 

We're fully integrated and solely work with the Neto eCommerce platform, that means installation is quick and simple. All you need to do is:

  1. Log into your Neto Control Panel, this is usually
  2. Navigate to the "Addons" page in the navigation
  3. Search for "Outsmart", we're located in the Marketing section
  4. Click "Install"
  5. We'll deploy some tracking code into your website and you can easily access this anytime via the newly shown 'Script' button (found on the addon card)
  6. You can click on the 'Configure' button to log straight into the Outsmart app anytime

That's it. Going forward you can just login to Outsmart via Neto with one click and manage one or more apps. 

Get started with a 14 day FREE trial today! It's as simple as clicking 'Install'.

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